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  1. Amateur Arts – Project subsidies for Talent Development
  2. Amateur Arts – International
  3. Project Grant for small scale Regional Cultural projects
  4. Arts Decree
  5. Circus Decree
  6. Youth
  7. Education


1. Amateur Arts – Project Subsidies for Talent Development

With the new grant program for talent development projects, we support initiatives that boost the artistic talents of amateur artists or enhance competencies in terms of support and guidance.


Duration and Amount

Your project can run for a maximum of 2 years.
You can request a maximum of €10,000 in funding.


Who Can Apply?

– Individual amateur artists
– Amateur arts organizations (with legal personality, e.g., non-profit organizations)
– Across various disciplines, including dance, as well as music, theater, visual arts, photography, film and media arts, writing and literature, and circus arts.



– The extent to which your project contributes to the development of artistic or supportive competencies of the stakeholders.
– The extent to which it is a project (as opposed to ongoing operations) with a clear timeline, planning, and budget.
– The extent to which you provide aftercare. How will you ensure the sustainable integration of the project’s results after its completion?
– What is the added value of your collaboration with partners?


How to Submit an Application

– April 15th for projects starting no earlier than August 1st.
– September 15th for projects beginning no earlier than January 1st of the following year.
– Apply through the online platform KIOSK.


Learn More

On the website of the Department of Culture, Youth, and Media, you can find the regulations, subsidy conditions, a FAQ section, and a recording of a webinar related to this grant program.


2. Amateur Arts – International

You can also find funding for your international plans as an amateur artist or amateur arts organisation in the field of socio-cultural work.

Don’t be put off by the term ‘amateur’. Professional teachers or choreographers who teach amateurs or create productions with amateurs are also eligible.

2.1 International travel grants for international projects

The Flemish Government may subsidise your international travel expenses if you or your group are part of an international project abroad. Read more about the travel grant.


Quality criteria include the importance of participation, the international appearance of the project, the possibility for meetings and exchange, the ecological footprint of the travel, the practical organisation and feasibility.

There is no limitation upon the granted amounts. Do note that only the travel costs are subsidised, not the accommodation, transport while abroad, other local costs etc.


  • Application deadlines are before October 15th (travel in January-March), February 15th (travel in May-August) or June 15th (travel September-December).
  • All applications must be handed in in Dutch, through the web application KIOSK.
  • You can only apply as individual amateur artist or as non-profit organisation with (vzw). Only in the ‘transition year’ of 2019, you can also apply as factual organisation (feitelijke vereniging).

More information

Read all information about the international travel grants for international projects.

Are you planning an application? Danspunt can help you. Contact Danspunt.


2.2 International cultural projects in Flanders

You can apply for subventions for the organisation of international cultural projects in Flanders.


Quality criteria include the profile of the project, the artistic or educational quality, the international appearance, the audience reach, the collaboration with other organisations and the administrative management.


  • Deadline = before October 1st of the year before
  • NEW: All applications must be handed in in Dutch, through the web application KIOSK.

More information

Read all information about international projects in Flanders.

Are you planning an application? Danspunt can help you. Contact Danspunt.


2.3 Study trip abroad

If you go on a study trip abroad (to a conference, for example) you can apply for a subsidy for travel and accommodation costs for international initiatives. In this case the Flemish Government will subsidise your accommodation (hotel) abroad as well as your travel costs.

There are four filing dates per year. Apply using this application form.


3. Project Grant for Small-Scale Regional Cultural Projects
(Projectsubsidie Kleinschalige Bovenlokale Cultuurprojecten)

Last update on 3/11/2023

What is it?

The Project Grant for Small-Scale Regional Cultural Projects primarily targets amateur arts organizations aiming to initiate innovative regional cultural projects. It emphasizes the importance of connection and collaboration.


Do you want to make it bigger? The Project Grant for Cross-Local Cultural Projects is the big brother of the Small-scale Projects. This grant sets higher standards in terms of cross-local implementation, collaboration, and transversality. Your project can last up to a maximum of 3 years, and there is no maximum budget.


Basic Requirements

– It is a cultural project with a clear objective, concrete planning, and timing.
– The project has a regional scope (at least extending beyond municipal boundaries but not across all of Flanders).
– The project is innovative and transcends the applicant’s regular day-to-day operations.
– The project has not yet commenced.
Collaboration with partners from the cultural sector or other sectors is required.
– No other subsidy can be applied for from the Department of Culture, Youth, and Media of the Flemish Government for this project.


Who is it for?

Cultural and youth actors with legal personality without lucrative purpose (i.e., a non-profit organization in the cultural and/or youth sector), a local authority, or autonomous municipal company affiliated with the arts, cultural heritage, circus arts, local cultural policy, amateur arts, socio-cultural adult education, or youth work from Flanders or the Brussels-Capital Region.


What are the possibilities?

With this grant, you can elevate your dance project to new heights.
The government offers two grant application rounds each year, with deadlines on March 1 and September 1, for projects that can last a maximum of one year and have a budget of up to 75,000 euros. The granted subsidy amount is capped at 25,000 euros.


Emphasis on Collaboration and Regional Scope

The minister has not established policy priorities that the project must adhere to. What matters is the regional nature of the project and the significance of collaboration, along with the quality of the content concept and financial feasibility. Furthermore, you should describe innovative elements that clearly surpass your regular operations.



You can submit your application through KIOSK. More information about the application process can be found on this page of the Department of Culture, Youth, and Media of the Flemish Government.

Within two months of your application, you will be notified if your subsidy is granted. Afterward, you have three months to submit your accountability report, which is slightly longer than usual.


Assistance and Support

The Department of Culture provides detailed information about the application process on their website.

The Support Center OP/TIL is ready to help you determine whether your application qualifies and which regulation is best suited for your project idea. You can seek advice weekly through VRAAG/RAAK. Additionally, new digital webinars are available for further support.


Do you want to make it bigger? The Project Grant for Cross-Local Cultural Projects is the big brother of the Small-scale Projects. This grant sets higher standards in terms of cross-local implementation, collaboration, and transversality. Your project can last up to a maximum of 3 years, and there is no maximum budget.


4. Arts Decree (Kunstendecreet)

If you are involved professionally with dance in the Flemish art field, you can apply for subsidies through the Arts Decree (Kunstendecreet). The subsidies received by all the professional arts centres and dance companies in Flanders come under this decree. Nonetheless, younger artists who want to develop can gain funding through this decree as well. Many fledgling choreographers financed their first work through grants and project subsidies of this kind.

Attractive options for acquiring funding are:

All applications are made through KIOSK, an online app provided by the Flemish Government.

A subsidy application under the Arts Decree is not to be rushed into. The standard of applications is high, so prepare well. Get further information through Danspunt and the regulations on the Kunsten en Erfgoed website (Arts and Heritage website).

Kunstenpunt is the support organisation for the professional arts sector. It regularly hosts information sessions about the Arts Decree.


5. Circus Decree

Dance and circus have a lot in common: both are highly physical, very performative, often choreographed and visually spectacular. Who knows, maybe you are planning a dance project or festival that explores the borders between dance and circus? If so, the circus decree might be for you!

There are subsidies for creating circus productions, organising a festival, working internationally, training as a circus arts teacher and so on. You will find all the information on the website of the department of socio-cultural work.

The Circuscentrum is the support organisation for circus art in Flanders. You can contact the Circuscentrum as well as Danspunt for more information and advice.


6. Youth

You can also obtain subsidies under the Flemish Government’s youth policy if your dance projects involve children and young people (up to the age of 30).

We have singled out two possible funding channels that are also relevant for dance projects.

6.1 Experimental projects

This form of subsidy supports projects that respond to new developments and needs among young people. The approved projects can be all kinds of things: from a camp for obsessive gamers to a participative, inclusive project on street and urban arts. So if you have a project (dance or otherwise) that is innovative in terms of its methodology or content and might be relevant all over Flanders, you can submit an application.

Applications can be filed once a year, on 1 September at the latest. Applications are made through KIOSK, the Flemish Government’s online app. The amount for a single project can be up to 50,000 euros.

You will find all the relevant info on the website of the department of socio-cultural work.

6.2 Cultural education organisations

Organisations that are involved in cultural education for children and young people all over Flanders may be eligible for accreditation and subsidies as a cultural educational organisation. The organisations in question stimulate young people’s artistic creativity and teach them to understand and use the language of the arts on a fairly large scale, all over Flanders.

Accreditation automatically entails a basic subsidy of 80,000 euros per year. You can also apply for extra project subsidies besides.

You can only apply for accreditation and subsidies once every four years. The next deadline is on 30 June 2020. There is no set format or guidelines for this application. What you can do is read all the regulations.


7. Education

If you want to set up a dance project at a school, you can apply for subsidies within the Dynamo Project, through Canon Cultuurcel. Canon Cultuurcel strengthens cultural education in Flanders.

A school can apply for Dynamo Project subsidies if they are hosting an artistic project with at least one external cultural partner (an artist or arts organisation). That partner might be a dancer or choreographer. The project must be customised for the schoolchildren and run for more than one day, during school hours.

There are two filing dates per year. Applications are filed through the Cultuurkuur website.
A project can receive a maximum subsidy of 2,000 euros.



Do you need help or advice?

Contact Danspunt.

‘In the Spotlight’ is a platform for dancers, dance teachers and makers to tell just that little bit more about their work. Discover the diversity of the dance landscape

and be inspired

Maakplaats in Ghent offers studio space, coaching, presentation moments and visibility for choreographers, new makers and dancers. Danspunt makes 7 by 7 space for your dance laboratory where you can deepen, innovate and present.

Check Maakplaats