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An accident is dealt with in three phases.

1. Report the accident

If you suffer an injury as a consequence of an accident, go to the doctor as soon as possible and send the completed accident report form to us immediately.

To report the accident:

  1. Ask the person in charge of the dance group for an accident claim form immediately.
  2. Go to a doctor as soon as possible, preferably the same day or the day after.
  3. Fill in the accident report form completely (all pages).
    Don’t forget to get the medical certificate completed and signed by the doctor who treats you or to have one attached.
  4. Make sure that Danspunt receives the complete form including the medical certificate within seven days of the accident. Send it to us by e-mail or post to Danspunt vzw, Sint-Salvatorstraat 18a, 9000 Gent.

Do not include any invoices for medical or other costs, you will be able to send these later.

Danspunt checks whether the report has been completed correctly and forwards it to the insurance company. Please send your reports only to Danspunt, and NOT directly to the insurance company.

It is in your interest to send all forms to us complete and on time. Reports that are incomplete or which arrive late may be rejected by the insurer.

2. Keep all documentation

Once a file has been opened by the insurer, make sure that you keep all the required documentation.

The settlement of your claim will proceed smoothly if you bear the following in mind:

Did you go to the doctor? Submit the ‘testimonial of treatment’ [getuigschrift voor verstrekte hulp] to your health insurance fund and ask for a receipt, stating the numbers for the Sickness and Invalidity Insurance rate, for payment of the medical fee.

Do you need medicine?  Ask the pharmacist for a receipt with a statement of the medicines provided and the amount paid for them.

Do you need other assistance, such as a physiotherapist, home assistance, etc? Submit the ‘testimonial of treatment’ [getuigschrift voor verstrekte hulp] to your health insurer [ziekenfonds] and keep all original invoices.

Approach your own health insurance fund initially for the costs of doctors, consultations, etc. The Danspunt insurer will only deal with the medical costs remaining after the intervention of your health insurance fund.

3. Submit all documents to close the file

Once you’ve recovered, your file can be closed.

To do so, we need the following documents:

  • Proof of all the costs of the doctor, pharmacist, physiotherapist, etc., that you have not yet sent.
  • A declaration of recovery (by the victim or a doctor)
  • The overview from your health insurance funds

Send all these documents together to Danspunt by e-mail or post (Danspunt vzw, Sint-Salvatorstraat 18a, 9000 Gent).

Danspunt will send everything to the insurance company. The remaining costs will then be paid and the file will be closed.

Damage under other insurance

To report a damage claim under another insurance, e.g. the insurance for director or trustee liability [bestuurdersaansprakelijkheidsverzekering] or fire insurance [brandverzekering], get in touch with Danspunt.


Accident Report Form
Danspunt Insurance – Specific Provisions

More questions?

Get in touch with Danspunt.

‘In the Spotlight’ is a platform for dancers, dance teachers and makers to tell just that little bit more about their work. Discover the diversity of the dance landscape

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Maakplaats in Ghent offers studio space, coaching, presentation moments and visibility for choreographers, new makers and dancers. Danspunt makes 7 by 7 space for your dance laboratory where you can deepen, innovate and present.

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